Green Tea
The presence of high contents of anti-oxidants makes this a very popular health drink and has been used over the years and with fairly good results.
The large content of polyphenol anti-oxidants called Catechins and caffeine helps immensely in reducing oxidative stress and studies have shown that it could boost metabolic activity which is needed to achieve weight loss.
Researchers believe that the presence of anti-oxidants and caffeine combine together to initiate weight loss substantially but side effects like nausea, diarrhea, upset stomachs and headaches could persist with other somewhat serious one in others.
This is also derived from plants and enters the body directly from the blood stream changing the function of body cells but is still not a very popular weight loss supplement in comparison to Green Tea.
There is one major advantage in this because it helps to regulate and keep under check our blood sugar levels and is seen as a good drug to be taken under medical advice for those patients with diabetes.
Research and tests have shown that this does help in weight loss with a substantial reduction in the reduction of BMI (Body Mass Index) in those who have been tested with Berberine.
There are some side effects like cramping, diarrhea, constipation, stomach aches and headaches which are associated when taking this as a weight loss supplement on a regular basis.
This has been introduced recently and is another weight loss supplement derived from plants and studies show that when taken with well constituted diet and exercise regimes the results are extremely good.
It not only also helps in reducing weight but also triglycerides and total cholesterol with no side effects still reported which could be due to its late entry into the market. It is still to provide long term results but what has been shown during the short time it has been in the public domain the results have been promising.
Those who have other chronic health complications it would be in their best interests to avoid this drug until it is proven with better tests and concrete conclusions in the future. Until then it would be better to stick to some of the established weight loss supplements but still with a doctor’s advice as these could be good for some and not for others.
If this natural weight loss supplements don`t work for you read CLA Safflower Oil Review before you decide what diet plan to follow.